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What is your favorite POWE memory?

Sheelah McCarthy

"POWE provided me with so many wonderful personal and professional memories! My favourite memories are honestly all the times that people opened up and shared experiences. All the stories I heard about parents who didn't support their daughters going to engineering, about superiors who assumed you were the secretary of a project because you are a woman, and about feeling the imposter syndrome when starting in a new environment. These shared experiences, and advice about how to overcome them have stayed in my mind. I am so thankful for getting to meet all the POWErful women and men who support our mandate. POWE made my university experience brighter!"

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B. Eng Materials Engineering


POWE VP Internal


POWE VP External Coord



B. Eng Electrical Engineering

POWE VP Student Outreach

Racha Slaoui

"I have so many incredible memories from my time with POWE. I cannot emphasize enough how much this group has played an important role in my development as a professional, but also as a person. My best memory is probably when I got together with other POWE alumni after graduation, for the first time, and realizing the connection and network that we have managed to build. There’s nothing that brings you closer to someone in the way that fighting for a common cause does. In that moment, I truly became aware of our impact and felt more empowered than ever."

Lian Al Bardaweel

"When I was VP student outreach, one of my jobs was to reach out to the students enrolled in engineering at McGill and to help them connect. Somehow I decided that the best way to do this would be by leading a POWE broomball team! Having never played before, our first game (and every game after that) involved a lot of falling but it was also filled with laughter and endless joy from taking a break from studying and spending a fun time with fellow POWE members and the general McGill engineering student body. I loved every single moment spent with our POWErful broomball team! #TheBruisesWereWorthIt"



B. Eng Civil Engineering


POWE President


POWE VP Student Outreach

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B. Eng Chemical Engineering

POWE VP Webmaster

Andrea Saliba

"SO many amazing memories but the one that stands out was the POWE getaway to Tremblant! Amazing weekend by the fire with some dancing, some cooking, some POWE activity and lots of laughter."

Stephanie Breton

"Every single moment spent with POWE was amazing... but nothing beats the feeling when we first received our POWE sweaters! I’ve been wearing mine around the world, and was very happy to get the new version delivered to me across the Atlantic ocean. (Left to right: EUS G-store, New Zealand, Switzerland) Everywhere I go, people point out that there is a typo in 'WE R POWERFUL' or that it should be written 'Présidente' instead of 'President' on my arm... these sweaters have become a POWErful promotional tool to get people talking about our amazing work! It also feels good to know I can carry the POWE spirit everywhere with me, even after having left McGill."

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M. Sc. Mechanical Eng. (EPFL) 


B. Eng Mechanical Engineering


POWE President


POWE VP Internal


Khantutta-Kim Tremblay Parrado

"A best memory is really hard to choose. So many great moments during meetings (the post meeting games), preparing for events, the events themselves and oh the potlucks! I guess a moment that struck as particularly hilarious is the time during an infamous pot luck when Stephanie Breton and I put our Eng. hats on and opened a wine bottle using a trusty nail and hammer as we couldn’t find a wine opener!"


POWE VP Conference


POWE Assistant VP Conference


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